Thanks for any support! Introducing the C-C-FREE Presets 3, a free pack of 11 Presets for Amplitube 5 using Amplitube's internal preset format, with 1 bonus preset (and you may need other gear for Amplitube 5 that I think is not included with the regular version of Amplitube 5 to use the bonus preset). Find out more here. All trademarks and copyrights featured are the property of their respective owners, and no affiliation with or endorsement by them is implied. Some, all, or none of the trademarks and copyrights featured are owned by IK Multimedia Production, and/or IK Multimedia US, LLC. This is not a paid promotion.
The official Blogspot Site for "CHRISTOPHER CARMICHAEL'S PLUG-INS AND PRESETS" FREE Packs, with plug-ins and various presets by Christopher Carmichael. The FREE Pack plug-ins and presets are FREE for use in your productions (see EULAs, if applicable). So far, the plug-ins will have no real support by me, since they are basic SynthEdit made plug-ins, I'm not a real programmer. With the presets, you might need the licenses to use each of those plug-ins. ENJOY!